Amoxicillin/cefazolin, an alternative to amoxicillin/ceftriaxone against endocarditis associated E. faecalis ? An in vitro response.

In vitro bactericidal activity of amoxicillin combined with different cephalosporins against endocarditis-associated Enterococcus faecalis clinical isolates.

  • Peiffer-Smadja N. et al.
  • Rédigé par : Dr Jean-Pierre Bru
Synergy between third-generation cephalosporins (TGCs) and ampicillin was discovered in 1995 by Mainardi et al. and then confirmed in many in vitro studies. The saturation of different PBPs by ampicillin and TGCs could be responsible for the observed synergy. Clinical studies have demonstrated that the combination of ampicillin with TGCs is as effective as, and less toxic than, the combination ...
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