Follow-up blood cultures are associated with improved outcome of patients with gram-negative bloodstream infections.

Positive follow-up blood cultures identify high mortality risk Among patients with gram negative bacteremia.(1) / Follow-up blood cultures are associated with improved outcome of patients with gram-negative bloodstream infections: retrospective observational cohort study. (2)

  • Maskarinec SA et al. / Giannella M. et al
  • Rédigé par : Dr Jean-Pierre Bru
Follow up blood cultures (FUBC) are recommended in the management of Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia, endocarditis, and candidemia but are not suggested in guidelines, and are not current practice in the management of Gram-negative bacteremia (GNB). Two studies in the latest issue of Clinical Microbiology and Infection aimed to determine the utility of FUBC in patients with GNB blood stream i...
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